What is Spin Inversion?

Each atom has its own nucleus, and electrons orbit around this nucleus, similar to how planets revolve around the sun. However, just like planets rotate on their own axes, electrons also have their own rotation. In a phenomenon called spin inversion, these electrons start rotating in the wrong direction, which is very harmful to the body.

The initial symptoms of spin inversion include:

  • Poor sleep

  • Fatigue, even after a good night's rest

  • Developing more allergies

  • Cold hands and feet

In a spin inversion, individuals are absolutely therapy-resistant. This means they do not respond positively to any type of therapy. They may even react completely counterproductively to medications, massages, acupuncture, homeopathy, and essentially everything.

The body works against itself. Nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are no longer absorbed. Nothing helps or may even have adverse effects.

People with spin inversion often become electromagnetically sensitive, reacting to electromagnetic radiation from sources such as cell towers, WiFi routers, TVs, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.

Spin inversion is primarily caused by an external magnetic field, which can be either electromagnetic or geomagnetic. It can be triggered by electrical devices as well as disruptions in the Earth’s magnetic field.

What Is Spin Inversion, and How Is It Measured?

Spin Inversion: the missing link explaining why recovering just wouldn’t work.

Chronic fatigue and/or fibromyalgia are becoming increasingly common. The conventional medical system has yet to provide a logical explanation for these diseases, let alone their growing prevalence. Could spin inversion be the answer?

Some theories suggest a virus as the cause. Some experts claim it’s the Coxsackievirus, while others argue that the Epstein-Barr virus is the culprit. However, these remain theories.

Both viruses can indeed cause significant problems, but chronic fatigue does not seem to be directly linked. It may be the case that both viruses are found in someone who is chronically fatigued, but that doesn’t necessarily mean these viruses are the cause. It appears to be more of a consequence of something else.

What Is The Cause of Chronic Fatigue?

We hear and read more about chronic fatigue. It seems that an increasing number of people are affected by it. In today’s society, it is clearly a significant problem, but what is the cause of this chronic fatigue? The answer to this may be spin inversion, also known as electron spin inversion.

Electromagnetic fields

In our current society, we are increasingly confronted with various technical devices such as TVs, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, wireless DECT phones, stereo systems, alarm clocks, microwaves, waterbeds, electrically adjustable beds, etc.

Additionally, there are also power cables, including those from trams, trolley buses, trains, and high-voltage cables. All these devices create a massive magnetic field, which can adversely affect the body. If the body is strong, there may be some defense, and it might hardly be affected by the magnetic field. However, if the body is weakened, for example, by a simple cold or a significant emotional event, the magnetic field suddenly becomes strong enough to penetrate the body and cause damage – it clings on, much like a terrier.

The result is that the magnetic field stops the spin of electrons and makes them rotate in the opposite direction. It is entirely possible that you may not notice this process happening in your body.

Geomagnetic fields

We all know that the Earth has a magnetic field. This magnetic field can be temporarily disrupted by sunspots and solar flares. When this happens, several phenomena increase, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, suicides, and a quadrupling of the number of heart attacks. The number of traffic accidents increases by a factor of 10.

This geomagnetic field forms a grid around our Earth, and on this grid of energy lines, there are many disruptive points. The human body can typically handle the fluctuations in this geomagnetic field with ease. However, it can happen that this geomagnetic field is also disrupted by so-called water veins, and in that case, our bodies are affected.

Also, the way we construct our homes poses a problem.

High-voltage cables

High-voltage cables that run through villages, cities, and residential areas also cause spin inversion. Watch this video where these magnetic fields were measured in a residential area in Breda. Because these types of magnetic fields decrease rapidly as you move further away, there is not much danger at a distance of 1,600 meters and beyond. However, the closer you get, the greater the likelihood of spin inversion.

Jewelry, mattresses, and insoles with magnets.

Many stores sell jewelry, mattresses, or insoles with magnets incorporated to aid people’s health. Initially, you may feel better. However, the opposite is true because over time, you may find yourself in worse condition than ever before.

How can this be explained? Our bodies have evolved in a geomagnetic field of 0.5 Gauss. Even a small magnetic horseshoe already has a strength of 28,000 Gauss, which is 56,000 times stronger than the field where the human body feels comfortable. All of this places enormous stress on the human body, prompting the body to respond by producing endorphins.

Endorphins are the body’s natural morphine. This endorphin production numbs you because you feel nothing. All your aches disappear, and you feel better.

How To Prevent Spin Inversion?

Is there anything we can do about this problem? Yes, we certainly can.

Firstly, I must tell you that spin inversion is pure physics and not chemistry. Although medical science is increasingly taking physics into account, they are still not trained to consider such matters. Additionally, they do not have the proper equipment to measure this.

How Do You Know if You Have Spin Inversion?

If you recognize yourself in the following, there’s a chance you may be experiencing spin inversion to some extent:

  • Poor sleep

  • You wake up tired, even after a good night's rest

  • Eating and drinking healthily doesn't seem to make a difference

  • Using various supplements, but feeling like they are not being absorbed

  • Therapies are not effective or may even have adverse effects

  • Experiencing cold hands and/or feet

Measuring spin inversion

You can also have it measured. With a device for electro-acupuncture according to Voll (EAV), you can measure the acupuncture points. If a so-called “Zeigerabfall” is measurable on virtually all meridians, there is more going on than just a disturbance on these meridians. In this case, there is spin inversion.

Three meridians that almost immediately respond to spin inversion are the triple warmer, heart, and circulation meridians. However, to establish spin inversion, it is crucial that there is a deviation on almost all meridians because it is theoretically possible that these three meridians may show a “Zeigerabfall,” but the patient happens to have a disturbance on these three meridian pathways.

Normally, a measurement provides a stable or slowly descending pattern. However, a body burdened with spin inversion shows a rapid drop, especially on these three meridians. If you encounter this phenomenon during a measurement, further testing is pointless. When a body has spin inversion, it is not possible to make a correct diagnosis, and further treatment is also futile.

Can We Prevent Spin Inversion?

To prevent spin inversion in the future, it is important to look at the cause. It is not only in our homes or workplaces that we may experience spin inversion.

Sometimes, you suddenly become tired when you go to a shopping center. There are so many disruptive magnetic fields there that even the strongest and healthiest person can be weakened. In this case, the shopping center is the cause of spin inversion.

There are both internal and external factors that contribute to a new spin inversion.


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