What do we mean by radiation?

There are different types of radiation, and some of them are harmful.

Some people associate the word radiation only with radioactive radiation from nuclear installations. However, there is another type of radiation, namely Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF – Electro Magnetic Fields), which comes from electrical devices and installations. Everything powered electrically emits a certain Electromagnetic Radiation. When devices like transmitters, WiFi, and phones emit something, this radiation becomes much stronger.

EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields)

Radiation has become an integral part of our modern society. With the current 4G network in the Netherlands, radiation exposure has increased significantly. Even large companies can no longer deny this reality.

Siemens, for example, has already introduced a low-radiation DECT phone (with an ECO mode). Officially, little is known about the consequences of EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields).

However, an increasing number of scientific studies indicate negative effects. In many countries, WiFi is already prohibited in schools, cell towers are not allowed on school roofs, and living under high-voltage power lines is also restricted. It is evident that EMF is a concern.

What does radiation do to the body?

The human body operates with electrical impulses. Our muscles move because our brains emit electrical impulses. Even involuntary bodily functions rely on electrical impulses, such as the functioning of our intestines, heart, hormones, and so on.

Without these electrical impulses from our brains, the body would not function. Body cells also utilize differences in electrical charges.

This bio-electric functioning allows the body to operate as nature intended. However, the human body is not designed to withstand Electro Magnetic Fields. In the past, there were no electrical devices, let alone transmitting equipment.

The human body naturally lacks defense against the disruptive effects of these bio-electric systems. The longer our bodies are exposed to this radiation, the more disruptive it becomes.

On one side, there is the bio-electric functioning of the body, and on the other side, there is the EMF from devices. The EMF from devices interferes with the bio-electric functioning of the body, leading to various specific and often vague symptoms.


Electromagnetic Radiation can cause various vague complaints.


Poor sleep, feeling tired, needing a lot of sleep are some symptoms of radiation exposure.

Health problems

Having tried everything, but nothing works. Treatments are not effective.

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Poor sleep

  • Persistent fatigue

  • Excessive need for sleep

  • Tingling in body parts

  • Constant hunger

  • Constant hunger

  • Poor response to treatments

  • Frequent headaches

  • "I've already tried everything, but nothing works"

We help the people of Earth to improve their quality of life by eliminating the harmful effects of radiation. We achieve that by providing an active radiation protection for their indoor and outdoor environment.


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