Some of The Symptoms

If you experience any of the following complaints, they may be related to radiation. In such cases, it is advisable to consult your doctor for advice.

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Poor sleep

  • Persistent fatigue

  • Excessive need for sleep

  • Tingling in body parts

  • Constant hunger

  • Constant hunger

  • Poor response to treatments

  • Frequent headaches

  • "I've already tried everything, but nothing works"

Additionally, a variety of diseases and ailments are often linked to radiation. Other complaints that may have a connection with radiation include:

  • Extreme morning fatigue, even after a good night's sleep (watch various videos here)

  • Sleep problems and an intense need for sleep

  • Feeling lifeless and low in energy (see all videos)

  • Burnout (see this video, among other things)

  • Headaches and migraines (see this video, among other things)

  • Ringing in the ears; constant hissing, whistling, and roaring

  • Allergies (see this video, among other things)

  • Skin problems and stomach/intestinal complaints (see this video, among other things)

  • Susceptibility to infections

  • Unexplained nerve and other pains

  • Palpitations, chest pressure, and cardiac arrhythmias (see this video, among other things)

  • Bedwetting (in children)

  • Concentration and memory problems (see this video and this one, among other things)

  • Difficulty multitasking

  • Itchy and oily hair, dry skin

  • Blurred vision, spots in the field of view, and tearing eyes

  • Pain in muscles and joints

  • Cramps, spasms, and involuntary muscle twitches, especially in the lower legs (restless legs)

  • Balance disorder and loss of coordination, slowing down of knees or legs

  • Inner unrest, nervousness, and complaints that worsen at night (watch various videos here)

  • Behavioral disorders in children

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Pain sensations in the area of the body where metal is (for example, after surgery or during sterilization)

  • Feeling of having a battery in the mouth (with amalgam supplements)


We help the people of Earth to improve their quality of life by eliminating the harmful effects of radiation. We achieve that by providing an active radiation protection for their indoor and outdoor environment.


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